




The Y. M. Eventide was designed in 1957/8 by the late Maurice Griffiths, G.M., A.I.N.A. then the editor of Y. M. The hull is of V Bottom, or single chine form and designed to be built with double skin, (diagonal inside and fore and aft outside planking) or planked with marine ply.  It proved to be Maurice's most popular design, with probably over 800, nearer 1,000 afloat.  Sail numbers stand at over 2000, though many will never be built sadly.  Today the plans are  readily available on CD to members of the EOG!

The Eventide has been designed to be stiff, roomy on deck as well as below and well able to face conditions offshore, to the extent of being able to right if ever knocked down. The plans gave details for bilge keel or fin keel as an alternative.

The bilge keel model is for those who want a shallow draft boat that will sit on an even keel on the foreshore or trailer and make scrubbing and maintenance as easy as may be.

The fin keel version is for those who have easy berthing facilities and prefer a keel boat.

Displacement for a 26ft version is approx 3tons.

As owners we kept a close liaison with the designer and were able to pass on information regarding modifications that improved the overall performance or safety of the design.  These modifications were then incorporated into the design.  John Williams was responsible for many of these alterations, as he had the closest contact with Maurice during these years.  As a result you will see many of these modifications in his boat, 'Fiddler's Green'.  She is the green and cream boat with tan sails, in the photo collection below and at the top of this page.  Click here to go to here page.

Click the plans or images to enlarge

CD containing all the plan sheets of this design saved as 'Pdf' files.  Available 'At Cost' to registered members for £10.00 UK or £20.00 overseas.  Contact us for details of how to get them. 

In addition we have included on the CD the early Eventide drawings  for restorers of the early versions, and we have just added the Ferro conversion, which can be used for strip plank round bilge too. We have recently added the 4 extra sheets for steel building thanks to another member, George, sending them in.


Hover your mouse over a picture for a brief description.

Featured Eventides  Click here

Streched Eventide 26' (to 27') Fiddlers Green owned by John Williams here seen off Bradwell  Summaro  'Odden' A traditional 24ft Eventide owned by .............  'Chris Hawk' 24'  Strip planked mahogany, the deck is marine ply and the interior is varnished mahogany and ply. Eventide 24 'Blue Dawne' E589

Owned by David Futers, this boat is called Shamgah. This is Persian for Eventide. It is thought that the original owner worked in Persia, (which is now Iran) and commisioned the boat on his return to the UK. Shamgah was built in 1965 Fintra   'Hannah B' Our new 'Featured Boat' , Filandra

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