Wild Duck 

Since the design of the YACHTING MONTHLY 17/20ft 3 ton Sloop was introduced a large number of sets of these building plans have been sold both at home and abroad. Designed to sleep two in reasonable comfort and to be able to make coastal cruises in normal weather, these sturdy little boats have proved handy, stiff, comfortable enough for their size, and generally good all-round cruising boats.

Many readers with little or no previous boat-building experience have told us, however, that they think the round-bilge type too difficult a job for them to tackle without a shipwright to help them. To meet the many requests we have had, therefore, for the plans of a simpler version with V-bottom or chine hull which can be planked with plywood, or light alloy sheets if desired, we have had this design of the 16/19ft Wild Duck specially prepared for simple amateur construction by Alan H. Buchanan.

Builders are recommended to work to a copy of Building Chine Boats by Michael Verney, which was published by the eoa in which many valuable hints on building the Wild Duck are included.  Sadly this book does not appear to be available any longer, nor are the plans readily available.

From the part of sheets reproduced below showing some of the mast fittings, and the  construction details, it will be seen that the most inexperienced builder was given all the information  he needed. Builders and owners of these boats can join us.   Contact the Eventiders web site. www.eventides.org.uk


CD containing all the plan sheets of this design saved as 'Pdf' files.  Available 'At Cost' to registered members for £10.00 UK or £20.00 overseas.  Contact us for details of how to get them. 


Click the plans or images to enlarge



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