A large
number of these sturdy half-decked dinghies have been built to these plans.
Double chined, the hull can be planked with plywood or metal sheets. Freeboard
and arrangement of deck and cockpit are designed to make a dry boat and one
capable of being used as a camping cruiser with tent rigged over boom. With the
gunter sloop rig, spars will stow within the limits of the hull for convenience
of portage or road transport.
Construction kits are not available but certain timber firms supply appropriate
material cut and planed. Instructions are included in Building Chine Boats by
Michael Verney, sadly this book does not appear to be available any longer.. It
may be available via your library....
CD containing all the plan sheets of this design saved as 'Pdf' files. Available 'At Cost' to registered members for £10.00 UK or £20.00 overseas. Contact us for details of how to get them. enquiries@eventides.org.uk (you just need to be enrolled with us first....)
We are indebted to Matt for these 4 pages of building instructions from YM of yesteryear!
Click on them to enlarge.
Click the
plans image below to enlarge....