Well, a chunk of Sampson post is off for a rebuild/refabrication....
Looking at it, I think I should have built it myself, but never mind...
Question for this post, though, and perhaps some eventide's could help here too!
I have recently got my hands on 10 planks of , 20 year old Iroko - strange planks 3 inch at one end, 5 at the other - 1 1/2 inch thick, 7.25 feet long, used as some form of decking for a few years then stored in a barn for the last 5....
They are sun-bleached (never painted), but the first planed down to fresh and looks great, with no rot anywhere (though a few odd bolt-holes

After my adventures running aground, Iris had lost some of the fibreglass with flow coat on the keel bottom. There seems to have been a sacrificial strip fitted, as some has come away quite easily, revealing fairly pristine epoxy skin beneath, suggesting it was added after the construction....
I was thinking of epoxying some of these planks to the keel (and bolting to the bilges, to keep the ratios the same). Obviously, faired to the profile, and to make them at least somewhat hydrodynamic....
I was wondering if anyone had made 'beaching shoes' for a GH or eventide, for tidal rock shore protection, and noticed if the extra depth to the keel with no more weight made any difference to the leeway? I am not worried too much about the increase in whetted area - this will be relatively small... I already have the boat jacked off the trailer, to start stripping the old fibreglass & flocoat so it shouldn't be a big deal to add this.
some thoughts would be nice - good idea haven't seen that on a gh before, done to death, or don't do it!
PS, one of the timbers is a marked man already, for a new staysail boom, and a tiller extension.... Might use another few for the fancy-pants Fiddlers Green rudder setup - but thats next year - probably!
Iris of Glenarm