Forgot to mention Yesterday, Ashley Butler, one of our registrants, had a large article in PBO the April Edition, (out in Feb?).
Traditional Wooden Boats by Butler & Co

Traditional Wooden Boats
Ashley started by restoring a Senior, which was sadly later lost in a blow in the Estuary, his father Jim was also ship wrecked, but his Senior sailed itself to Walton! Ashley was boat less, though he did salvage the bow, which is still 'protruding' through his old workshop wall I believe!
Then one of my contacts offered me a part finished boat, a Goosander. I straightway offered it to Ashley, who finished it on a shoe string, and sailed it to Falmouth where he enrolled in the boatbuilding college. He went on to sail the Atlantic, twice, in larger boats he restored or built and is now set up in business back home at Whitstable in Kent! A great story that Darian and I are pleased to have been a little part of. We well remember the high jinks with Ashley and friends at Bradwell! And having him and his chum as crew on F.G. for a weekend! Well done Ashley.
More pics added, another Kylix... Truth is she had been hidden away on the 'unidentified page' for some time!
We are still pending on the new Forum, Tim is trying to save the old messages I think.... Not long now!
Minus 3 degrees Celsius last night, and that's here on the coast where it's normally a couple of degrees warmer... Another log on the fire and do a bit of typing not bottom scraping this afternoon I think! Brrrr..