My name is Dane , and I have just recently discovered The "MG" magic, because of the arrival and sad circumstances of a GH 31 on the river Dart in Devon.( For reasons I dont would rather not expand on at the moment.)
Suffice it to say, I have found this website as a result and intend to become a MG owner rather soon ..

At the moment I am involved with the setting up of a project in Sth Devon with the Princes Trust. restoring old wooden boats.

We are looking for "projects "(16-26ft) that have been neglected or forgotten and grown -out of

So.... as a result of finding this site I have decided to orientate our vision to predominantly restoring MG boats .
I know there are a couple of 24/26's on here already ., and I have established contact with the owners already. But if anyone knows and can point me to any other small MG's especially in the Sth west I would be extremely grateful.
Back on the initial theme though ..... Any info on the GH31 "WIGEON" now named "HOBO-HEMIA" please get in touch via e-mail at
With respect and gratitude ... Dane